Portrait photographer Miguel Quiles is tackling one of the most common beginner questions out there: should I invest in speedlights or strobes? In this video, he covers the pros and cons of both, and which you should go with depending on your needs and shooting style.
As with almost any gear comparison, the answer is “it depends,” which is why Miguel focuses most of the video on the pros and cons of each light, so that you can decide which option fits your specific shooting needs.
As Miguel outlines in his conclusion, these various pros and cons mean that each type of light serves a different purpose in a photographer’s toolkit.
While both strobes and speedlights have started to encroach on each other’s territory in recent years—you can now find smaller, battery-powered strobes and more powerful, feature-rich speedlights—they still offer a different mix of options. Strobes give you more power at the cost of size, weight, and, well, cost; speedlights are more versatile, convenient, and affordable, but you sacrifice a lot of power in the bargain.
To dive into each of the pros and cons above, and see both types of lights in action, check out the full video up top. And if you’re new to studio and portrait photography, give Miguel’s YouTube channel a look—you’ll find lots more useful content on there for all skill levels.
Image credits: Photos by Miguel Quiles and used with permission.
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