Tuesday, June 30, 2020

PhotoGIMP Makes GIMP More Familiar to Photoshop Users PetaPixel

If you’re a Photoshop user who’s considering switching to the free and open-source image-editing program GIMP, PhotoGIMP is a patch designed to smooth out the transition for you.

Created by the Brazilian blog Diolinux, PhotoGIMP aims to make GIMP look and work more like Photoshop on Linux, which Photoshop doesn’t support.

The first thing you’ll notice after applying PhotoGIMP (on GIMP v2.10 and above) is the look: the styling is inspired by Photoshop, and the organization and position of the tools are as well — the new default settings help to maximize canvas space.

Python filters such as “heal selection” are installed by PhotoGIMP, and there’s hundreds of new fonts at your fingertips.

Many of the keyboard shortcuts you’ve baked into muscle memory will once again be available to you, as the developers of PhotoGIMP followed Photoshop’s documentation to bring over what they could.

Even the icon, name, and splash screen of your GIMP install will be revamped.

What your GIMP should look like after applying PhotoGIMP.

“At present, PhotoGIMP is mainly compatible with GIMP installed via Flatpak,” It’s FOSS reports. “If you installed GIMP using Flatpak, you can simply copy-paste these hidden folders in your home directory and it will convert your GIMP into Adobe Photoshop like settings.

“However, if you installed GIMP via apt or snap or your distribution’s package manager, you’ll have to find the GIMP config folder and paste the content of the .var/app/org.gimp.GIMP/config/GIMP/2.10 directory of PhotoGIMP.”

The PhotoGIMP repository over at GitHub has all the files and instructions you’ll need to get started. In addition to Linux, you should be able to turn your GIMP into PhotoGIMP on Windows and macOS as well.

PhotoGIMP [GitHub via DIYP]

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