Tuesday, May 5, 2020

2020 Pulitzer Prizes Won by Photos of Protests in Hong Kong and Oppression in Kashmir PetaPixel

The Pulitzer Prize has officially revealed the winners for 2020. The prize for Breaking News Photography went to the entire Reuters photography staff for their coverage of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, while the prize for Feature Photography was awarded to Channi Anand, Mukhtar Khan and Dar Yasin of the Associated Press for their striking documentary photos of life in Kashmir.

Breaking News Photography

The entire Reuters photography staff was awarded this year’s prize for Breaking News Photography, for their “wide-ranging and illuminating photographs of Hong Kong as citizens protested infringement of their civil liberties and defended the region’s autonomy by the Chinese government.”

In addition to the award itself, the Reuters staff takes home a $15,000 cash prize in recognition of their achievement. You can view the full gallery of winning photos with captions here.

Photos by Ammar Awad, Tyrone Siu, and Willy Kurniawan for Reuters.
Photos by Thomas Peter, Tyrone Siu, Anushree Fadnavis, and Jorge Silva for Reuters.

Feature Photography

The prize for Feature Photography was awarded to three photographers from the Associated Press—Channi Anand, Mukhtar Khan and Dar Yasin—for their “striking images of life in the contested territory of Kashmir as India revoked its independence, executed through a communications blackout.”

As with the Breaking News Pulitzer, the photo agency will also receive a $15,000 cash prize in recognition of their Feature Photography award. You can view the full gallery of winning photos with captions here.

Photos by Mukhtar Khan and Dar Yasin for Associated Press
Photos by Mukhtar Khan and Dar Yasin for Associated Press

To find out more about the prizes or see the full galleries for each prize, head over to the Pulitzer website. And if you want to see how the 2020 winners stack up compared to last year, check out our coverage from 2019 here.

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