Thursday, January 16, 2020

Canon Wins Important Lawsuit Against eBay Users Selling Counterfeit Gear

Canon just scored a major legal win in the battle against counterfeit products. A US District Court has ruled in Canon’s favor in a lawsuit against two eBay users who were selling counterfeit Canon batteries online.

It’s not often camera companies publish a whole press release to announce the results of a lawsuit, but Canon did just that on January 10th.

“Canon U.S.A., Inc. and its parent company, Canon Inc. of Japan, are pleased to announce that the companies have won a lawsuit involving the unauthorized and infringing use of the Canon trademarks and the illegal sale of counterfeit ‘Canon’ merchandise against two defendants in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,” reads the release. “The legal action […] is part of Canon’s ongoing efforts to protect Canon consumers’ health and safety from counterfeit products.”

The two defendants are Joey Fang and Kyung “Kay” Kwak, who Canon had been investigating for distributing counterfeit “Canon” batteries on eBay. The official complaint was filed in October 16th, and it didn’t take long for the court to rule in Canon’s favor. Judge C. Darnell Jones II entered a Final Consent Judgement on December 12th.

In that Consent Judgement, the defendants were ordered to stop “imitating, copying, counterfeiting, or making unauthorized use of the Canon trademarks,” and according to Canon they will also have to pay “a significant amount of money to Canon for their unlawful activities.”

Hopefully this win will deter some of the other counterfeiters out there, now that there’s legal precedent; in the meantime, you can train yourself to recognize genuine gear by playing Canon’s “spot the fake” quiz at the bottom of this page.

(via Canon Watch)


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