Wednesday, January 22, 2020

7 Simple Camera Hacks in 90 Seconds PetaPixel

This is one of those cases where the headline does most of the work. In the video above, commercial and lifestyle photographer Pav SZ has squeezed seven simple camera hacks that you should definitely try into just 90 seconds of demonstration.

You’ll probably recognize most of these—using your smartphone to create a reflection is particularly popular because it’s so ingenious—but short compilations like this can serve as a great source of inspiration if you feel like you’re in a creative rut. In summary, the 7 hacks are:

  1. Using a book for smooth motion (video tip)
  2. Using your smartphone to create a reflection
  3. Using fairy lights to create ‘sparkle’
  4. Creating shaped bokeh with some card stock
  5. Using a flashlight to create a custom flare
  6. Shooting through various objects for a framing effect
  7. Creating movement in your shot by moving the light instead of the camera (video tip)

Check out the full video up top to see each “hack” in action, along with sample images.

Again, nothing here is Earth-shattering, but if you’re feeling stuck, give a few of these ideas a go. If nothing else, they’ll get the creative juices flowing, and give you some Instagram fodder in the process.

(via Fstoppers)

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